Rubber Bridge Expansion Joints

Arfen steel reinforced rubber bridge expansion joints (ARBRIDGE) is a joint system which consists of waterproof rubber and steel plates and can absorb expansion movements. These systems are formed by joining rubber elements and steel plates under high temperature and pressure in our factory. Strengthening plates made of steel are vulcanized with rubber material to form a composite and load-resistant system. As a result of this production system, ARFEN bridge expansion joints offer a long-lasting solution guaranteed against corrosion. Natural rubber (NR) or neoprene (CR) rubber is used according to the requirement to be used as rubber material and according to the customer’s request. The rubber surface is resistant to oil, grease, oil, sun rays, snow and saline chemistry. This method of production ensures that the expansion joints are very resistant to corrosion. The ARBRIDGE expansion joints are designed to absorb the deformation of the concrete and to damp the movements and expansion of the structure by changing its shape. The water ducts and proper drainage connections on these sterns keep traffic safety at the top level. Thanks to their special design, the noise emitted during vehicle transitions remains at very low levels. Expansion joints of different sizes are connected to the concrete by both sides by suitable corrosion-resistant galvanized anchor bolts and chemical dowels.
Expansion joints absorb loads, heat reactions and mechanical vibrations. Horizontal loads (loads generated by brake forces of vehicles, earthquake loads, elongation and shortening due to thermal expansion) are compensated by friction between the rubber and concrete and changing the shape of the rubber. ARFEN rubber bridge expansion joints can also be applied on steel structures. There is less noise and vibration at the same time as the cause of the rubber surface. Due to earthquake loads, wind, thermal changes and brake loads, the bridge beams move, and therefore they need movable bearings and expansion joints.

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Type Movement Range
ARBRIDGE 01 ±25 mm
ARBRIDGE 02 ±30 mm
ARBRIDGE 21 ±40 mm
ARBRIDGE 03 ±50 mm
ARBRIDGE 04 ±70 mm
ARBRIDGE 05 ±90 mm
ARBRIDGE 06 ±135 mm
ARBRIDGE 07 ±170 mm
ARBRIDGE 08 Servis ±160 mm - Sismik ±350 mm
ARBRIDGE 09 Servis ±160 mm - Sismik ±400 mm

ARBRIDGE Series - With Aluminium

Type Movement Range
ARBRIDGE AL-01 ±25 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-02 ±30 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-21 ±40 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-03 ±50 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-04 ±70 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-05 ±90 mm
ARBRIDGE AL-06 ±135 mm

ARBRIDGE Series - Big Movements

Type Movement Range
ARBRIDGE 400 ­±200 mm
ARBRIDGE 500 ±250 mm
ARBRIDGE 600 ±300 mm
ARBRIDGE 700 ±350 mm
ARBRIDGE 800 ±400 mm
ARBRIDGE 900 ±450 mm
ARBRIDGE 1000 ±500 mm
ARBRIDGE 1100 ±550 mm
ARBRIDGE 1200 ­±600 mm
ARBRIDGE 1300 ±650 mm
ARBRIDGE 1400 ±700 mm
ARBRIDGE 1500 ±750 mm
ARBRIDGE 1600 ±800 mm

ARBRIDGE D Series - Railway

Type Movement Range
ARBRIDGE D-01 ±50 mm
ARBRIDGE D-02 ±75 mm
ARBRIDGE D-03 ±100 mm
ARBRIDGE D-04 ±160 mm
ARBRIDGE D-05 ±65 mm

