Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB)

BRB is a structural element that can be to lateral forces such as earthquake and wind. Thanks to its special working mechanism, BRBs make the structure is to absorb earthquake energy using BRB. BRBs are an advaned type of conventional brace that, with proper detailing, prevent it from buckling under ompressive forces. Hence, BRBs have an ideal elasto-plastic behavior. The result of dynamic experiments proves that structure with BRBF System, exposing to earthquake and natural disasters withstand more cyclic loads and have high ductility. BRB frames not only reduce the size of beams, columns and foundations in both new buildings and buildings requiring reinforcement, but also increase the earthquake resistance of the structure. In BRBs, all ompressive and tensile forces are applied to the steel core. The steel core is surrounded by high-strength concrete, so they will not bukle under compressive forces and exhibit stable behavior under cyclic loads without deterioration in stregth and show the same tensile and compressive capacity. Thus, as a result of the application of the BRB system, it is possible to design a structure with extraordinary energy absorption properties.

For detailed information about BRB and access to the catalogue, you can reach the ARFEN BRB website and us.

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