Bituminous Expansion Joints

Bituminous (elastic type) bridge expansion joints are the type of joint that is used easily in situations where rapid opening of the traffic is required and in various climate regions. It is the most comfortable expansion joint since it provides smooth surface and reduces noises when passing over vehicles. It has been applied in 50 different countries, ranging from Africa tropical temperatures in different weather conditions in the world to the coolness of northern countries. Thormajoint material is also used on the banter, including the edges of the bridge plate. There is no other elastic type expansion joint with better properties than Thormajoint. Thormajoint is a useful material that has proven to be economical and reliable. The specially prepared elastomer material has strength elasticity in the form of specially selected gravel and capacity to accommodate horizontal movements up to ± 25 mm. The service life of the joint is less than other types. When it is requested, the expansion joint is installed by Arfen.


  •  Fast application and repairability.
  • No mechanical moving parts.
  • Reducing the noise generated when passing over the expansion on the existing road and providing a flat surface.
  • Possibility to create an anti-slip surface.
  • Waterproofing by providing structural integrity.
  • Possibility to adapt according to mounting conditions.
  • Possibility of application with pedestrian path.
  • Flexible application in all directions up to +/- 40mm movement capacity. 
  • Possibility of repairing without disassembling the whole, only the upper parts can be replaced.

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